
Pastoral Care


At St. George’s, we are deeply committed to the well-being of the pupils in our care. This means that we do not just ensure their academic development, but also care for their health as well as their social and personal welfare.

All pupils have a form tutor, who is primarily responsible for their well-being in school. In the primary school, this is the pupils’ class teacher. In the secondary school, the form tutor has time built into the day to meet with pupils to discuss their academic progress, targets, aspirations for the future, or any matters that are concerning them. The Heads of Department are also always available to pupils and parents to discuss any matters.

Pupils participate in regular assemblies which are time to share success, progress and important messages. It is also a time to reflect on particular events taking place in school or in the wider world, or on issues that might be of particular relevance to young people.

In addition, all pupils follow a programme focussed on their personal and social development. In these sessions, pupils learn about and discuss issues that are relevant to them and their growth as a young person.

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