Making a difference
Where the world is heading to and why St George’s is the best preparation for it. Nam porta finibus mauris vel semper. Ut sagittis non neque at gravida. Donec a molestie erat. Sed laoreet mauris eget vestibulum commodo. Donec iaculis diam quis risus dignissim aliquam. Nunc mattis porttitor est a sodales. Curabitur vitae purus. |
Integer nec orci et sapien posuere ullamcorper. Vestibulum dictum sapien id congue pretium. Aliquam laoreet at justo vel varius. Sed in turpis vitae arcu sagittis feugiat sed quis dolor. Vivamus consectetur viverra ultricies. Integer euismod sit amet lectus vel imperdiet. Duis euismod dolor in turpis maximus euismod. Integer molestie accumsan odio, ac varius tellus egestas a. Pellentesque tincidunt laoreet mauris. Duis venenatis nunc magna, in ultrices orci elementum id. Cras at est a tortor mollis blandit non in leo. Morbi egestas tincidunt leo a maximus. Nullam tincidunt arcu vel gravida semper. Proin non nisl eu lacus sodales laoreet nec vel urna. |
Ut scelerisque ante mi, sed pellentesque orci pretium sit amet. Sed id quam id est aliquam malesuada. Praesent sagittis tempor ipsum, at gravida quam feugiat sed. Phasellus eleifend quam eget varius vestibulum. Quisque ultrices quam nec orci sodales, tempus convallis arcu ullamcorper. Vestibulum ut vestibulum mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque urna ligula, iaculis et semper quis, sagittis eget massa. Aenean pulvinar velit sit amet magna feugiat euismod. |
Key Facts
Cras quis ligula suscipit nulla consectetur posuere non et quam. Fusce est justo, aliquet eget turpis non, pulvinar rhoncus turpis. Sed porttitor, risus sit amet ultricies molestie, ex purus tempor sapien, sed tincidunt purus tortor ut erat. Duis convallis, sem ut pretium tempor, nulla risus consectetur lacus, elementum scelerisque arcu est id sem. Nunc lobortis eget purus eu pretium. Duis ullamcorper risus velit, facilisis interdum leo ullamcorper a. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sed erat vitae enim elementum lacinia sollicitudin non massa.
Cras quis ligula suscipit nulla consectetur posuere non et quam. |
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Cras quis ligula suscipit nulla consectetur posuere non et quam. |
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Cras quis ligula suscipit nulla consectetur posuere non et quam. |
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Cras quis ligula suscipit nulla consectetur posuere non et quam. |
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Cras quis ligula suscipit nulla consectetur posuere non et quam. |
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Cras quis ligula suscipit nulla consectetur posuere non et quam. |
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Welcome to our website and thank you for taking the time to learn a little about St. George’s School Düsseldorf Rhein-Ruhr. I hope you get a picture of our school community, a flavour of our family atmosphere and the ethos and values of our school. |
From the School Director |
Our school provides an English education, enabling our pupils to learn in an environment characterised by mutual respect and academic achievement. We prepare our 2 to 18 years old-pupils for their future in a rapidly changing, globally connected world. We are proud of our successful students who further their studies at universities in Germany and throughout the world. Our pupils themselves demonstrate the essence of our school and exemplify our achievements. It has been noted that the very essence of education lies in respecting the pupil. We believe this to be true and endeavour to prove this at St. George’s. As a parent, you are entrusting us with your child’s education and we therefore aim to make your child’s time at school the most rewarding time of his or her life. Parent, teacher and child all want the same, and as a team we can achieve these goals. |
St. George’s nurtures, challenges and inspires our pupils to be creative and innovative thinkers, individuals who will thrive and make a positive impact in a complex and changing world, as tolerance, decency and fairness is at the very centre of what we are. I am proud to be the School Director of St. George’s School Düsseldorf Rhein-Ruhr and take my responsibility to this generation and the next seriously, but I am also a teacher and know that the school is made from what happens in the classrooms, sports’ hall, extra-curricular clubs, on the playing fields, class trips and playgrounds. The achievements, failures, commitment, striving and work of the pupils and staff. Every school is a unique environment, therefore we warmly invite you to visit our school and experience St. George’s for yourself. |
Robert TroilettSCHOOL DIRECTOR |
The voices
The diversity of our community is our strength. Our students, parents, alumni and staff come from over 60 different countries and share the values of open-mindedness and mutual respect while celebrating the uniqueness that make us who we are. They are people from all walks of life who partake a passion to shape the future of education. |
School news |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vulputate neque quis quam hendrerit finibus. In ac metus non felis ornare imperdiet. Donec id sollicitudin diam. Vestibulum maximus sed felis in mollis. |