Christiaan Hodgkinson
Head of Middle School


School: St.George’s School Düsseldorf Rhein-Ruhr

Teaching is a very rewarding experience. We literally change student’s lives.

Mr Hodgkinson has a clear dedication to his profession. He takes the lead for strategy on behaviour in Secondary School. Students are going through a lot of changes in Middle School at the age of 11 to 14. Together with the teaching team, he steers teenagers through these years by ensuring that they understand what is expected of them. They should give the best they can in class, behave so that others are able to learn, and respect every person in our international community.

We reward excellent behaviour for achievements that go beyond academics. Students are inspired to be better.

Mr Hodgkinson was born and raised in South Africa. He came of age at a time of great change. In his fourth year of university, Nelson Mandela came to power. That provided him the wonderful opportunity of giving something back by getting involved in teaching in the disadvantaged black communities.

Later, he developed further teaching experience in a school in an under-privileged neighbourhood in the UK. When he arrived at the school, the education department was considering closing it down. Later through his contribution and development support, the school became a beacon in the area.